A Spot of Gardening

This morning I ventured out into the garden for the first time this year. With a gammy knee still playing me up, there was not a lot I could do in the way of gardening. All I could do was rake up dead leaves, hoe some weeds and tidy up a couple of taller planters.

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Much of my time was spent on clearing the leaves. Despite the dodgy knee, which is getting better, I found I could use the spring tine rake to clear leaves from the lawn and from some of the flower beds. This was fairly satisfying and I created a few large piles of dead leaves. However, when I came to picking them up to then place them in the garden waste, that’s when the problems started. I’m sorry to say, the left knee is still not good enough for bending. Consequently, when I had finished, I had to return indoors and apply an ice-pack to the knee.

Aside from the problems with the knee, it was great to get outdoors for a bit. The garden is certainly not looking its best at this time of year but you can see the first shoots of bulbs and plants as they start to grow. This is like a presage of the coming spring and of things to come.

A little concern may be expressed, however, that these first shoots are showing already. Winter is only just beginning and it has been fairly mild up to now. We have had no snowfall and only a light frost so far. The worry might be that the tender shoots could be vulnerable to a sudden drop in temperature.

Ah well, there is not much one can do against nature and I feel it is usually best to live with it.


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