I Thought My Diet Was Healthy, Until … Diabetes
I had always thought that my diet and lifestyle were very healthy. I am vegetarian, I exercise daily and only drink alcohol in moderation. True, I am overweight but not by much.
So when my doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic and at risk of developing full-blown type 2 diabetes, it was a shock. I am sure such a diagnosis would be a shock for anyone but, because I truly believed my diet was a healthy one, it seemed much more of a shock.
I knew that my maternal grandfather had been diabetic and there was the possibility that my mother had been too. My mother had never told me that she was diabetic but a nurse girlfriend I was dating at the time, confided in me that the tablets mum was taking, were diabetic ones. So I guess it could be no surprise that I, too, should develop the condition. But, on the other hand, how much is the condition an hereditary one?
When I examine myself for other symptoms or signs of potential diabetes, I can recognise that I had/have the need for frequent urination, but not at night. Nighttime visits to the lavatory seemed to be the determining factor; which I did not have. I sometimes felt a tingling sensation in my fingertips, but I could not say that it was frequent, regular or, in any way, out of the ordinary. I had none of the other signs. As for unexplained weight loss, well, that was just not present for me.
Perhaps I should have acted sooner on the frequent urination issue but, I put that down to simply being an ‘age’ thing.
How my eventual diagnosis came about, was quite unusual. It was my optician who first suggested something was wrong and she offered to refer me to my doctor. Specifically, she mentioned a check-up for high blood pressure or potential diabetes. I was only lukewarm on this suggestion of a check-up, especially as it involved blood; something I was squeamish about.
As my response had been less than enthusiastic, I didn’t think the optician would go ahead with the referral. However, a couple of weeks later, I received a phone call from doctor surgery, inviting me to attend a clinic with the nurse. Darn, it was difficult to back out now, so I agreed a time and date, with the promise to also bring along a urine sample.
At the clinic, the nurse asked me questions about my weight, general health, and lifestyle. Then she measured my blood pressure and, finally, took some blood. I was amazed that I didn’t pass out when she took the blood from my arm!
My blood pressure reading was very high; oh great, something new to worry about. The nurse instructed me to take my blood pressure at home, three times a day for a week. I was then to return to the surgery with the written results.
As for the urine sample, well that turned out to be okay. It might have been easier for me, though, if it had shown that a simple urine infection was the cause of my urinary issues. But no. Still, at least this one thing turned out to be okay.
Back home, I measured my blood pressure three times a day, exactly as instructed. It was frustrating to see that most of the readings were in the ‘high normal’ to ‘pre-hypertension’ range; very few were ‘normal’ or optimal. Oh dear!
In the meantime, I had received two text messages from my doctor. The first said that my liver was not functioning fully and that I’d need to do a follow-up blood test, so that the doctor could investigate further. The second said that my blood test had indicated that I was ’pre-diabetic’ and needed to make an appointment with the diabetic support team.
So there I was: in less than one month, I had changed from a person who thought themself to be quite healthy, to being someone who had to worry about their liver, their blood pressure and the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes.