
About Me

This is my profile, which is constantly evolving to reflect my experiences in education, training and technology.

I enjoy technology and am talented at learning new technologies. My strength lies in delivering training to people at all levels and doing so with enthusiasm.


I strive to produce creative and ingenious solutions. I enjoy being commended for my achievements, even though I prefer to work quietly and independently.

I connect with others easily and when others need guidance, they come to me.I am realistic but also creative and constructive. I prefer to base decisions on facts instead of gut feeling.

I enjoy working independently and am always dedicated to a project. People can count on me. I am calm and collected; not one to buckle under pressure.

I am reasoned and pragmatic. I enjoy a well-organized workspace.

I analyse situations with the utmost care, and try to ensure I communicate accurately and clearly to others. People see me as being nimble and unassuming. I like to think of myself as being tactful, mindful and profound.



IT Technology Trainer, classroom delivery, online, or a blended approach. 1-1 training, floorwalking and IT support. Online Training, Virtual Learning and Online Course development. E-learning and Instructional Design.

Trainer for MS Office (2003 to 365), outlook, Lync and OneNote. Camtasia, Captivate, Articulate, LMS, Video capture


IT Trainer – Training to school, Local Government and Corporate staff. Online Learning – Production of online courses and training in online delivery

Project Management – Home Access, Computers for Pupils, Total Cost of Ownership

Content Management – Content management and storyboarding for BBC

I extensively use social media and networking, professionally and personally

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