Many people are interested in being more productive, but would an increase in their productivity make them a better person? There are fundamental questions which need to be asked and, of course, answered.
1. Why do You want to be more productive?
There may be many reasons why a person wishes to be more productive. You may, for example, be aware that you are not spending your time engaged in productive activities; in which case becoming more productive could improve this. It would also give you a measure by which you could evaluate any productivity app or productivity method you try.
You may believe you could earn more money by being more productive. Again, this would give you a measure to use.
You may be comparing yourself with other people who appear more productive than you. Your boss or your colleagues may have told you that you are not productive enough. But, in these cases, there is a second question.
2. If you become more productive, who will benefit?
It may well be the case that other people as well as yourself could benefit from your increased productivity. Your family, your colleagues, your boss, or the company that employs you, may all benefit from your increased productivity. That is fine and a bonus, but what if your boss or your employer is the only one who benefits, and you do not see any benefit from your increased productivity? That might be a tough call, you might be improving your productivity simply for someone else’s benefit.
3. Will being more productive overcome a problem you have?
You might be particularly indolent or adept at procrastination, or simply lack motivation. In any of these cases, using a productivity method, or even just a productivity app, could help you improve.
Fundamentally, there is a fourth question you could ask yourself;
Would being more productive make you a better person?
How you answer that depends very much on how you feel about yourself as a person and upon your ‘values’. Do you see yourself as a ‘lazy’ person? Do you feel you do not live up to your own ‘work ethic’. If you became more productive, would you or others admire you more?
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