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Writing is a way to communicate images and thoughts from your mind to the minds of others.

I enjoy writing as I see it as a way of capturing my thoughts. It is also a way in which I can represent ideas before presenting them to other people.

My writing is not always for the purpose of being published. Sometimes I will write simply for the purpose of capturing an idea, sometimes I will write down thoughts or concepts for a speech, or I may just write for the pleasure and escapism it gives me.

I think this distinction between a writer and an author, is important. Of course, anyone can be both but a writer does not always write for the purpose of being published whereas an author has already taken that step.

So does my writing have any public outlet? Well, you can read some of my writing on here, where they appear in blog posts and you may read some longer pieces of Medium.

Online written content is important and has different requirements to long-form writing, such as novels, short stories or magazine articles.

Oh, I see you looking at the image at the top of this article and you are wondering, do I still use pen and paper? Yes, I do. I do not use pen and paper exclusively, I did, after all, grow up in the age of personal technology so I also write straight on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Pretty cool for a baby-boomer eh? Oh and I have even been known to dictate to text….

I write for pleasure and also for my own professional work. In addition, I offer my writing and editing skills for others. If you would like to discuss this, please do contact me.

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