Hello world!

Here we are again. Having had the site corrupted and crashed by a faulty update to a plugin, I am having to rebuild the site from scratch once more. Please bear with me while I put together some of the old and lots of new features.

A Spot of Gardening

This morning I ventured out into the garden for the first time this year. With a gammy knee still playing me up, there was not a lot I could do in the way of gardening. All I could do was rake up dead leaves, hoe some weeds and tidy up a couple of taller planters.…… Continue reading A Spot of Gardening

between the tick and the tock

Between the Tick and the Tock The city of Gloucester is an old city and a dirty city. Even its most modern buildings are old and dirty. It is a neglected city; neglected by its council, neglected by its citizens who prefer the bright clean streets of Cheltenham. Even the railways and main roads prefer…… Continue reading between the tick and the tock